Sunday, April 10, 2011

Review: The Sorcerer’s House by Gene Wolfe


Finished The Sorcerer's House by Gene Wolfe
Very very different, in that the story is told in epistolary fashion. Not my favorite method of storytelling, but for this book it worked quite well.
I gave it only 3 and a half stars because I thought the foreshadowing made the outcome a bit too obvious.

Official review on Library Thing:

A tale, told entirely through letters most of which were sent by the protagonist. Truths hidden, or unknown, confusion as mysteries are revealed, determination as the protagonist is determined to understand the seemly impossible facts regarding the house he was suddenly gifted, for no reason known to him.

I'm not that big a fan of epistolary novels, but I will say that this method of telling this story worked well.

It is also an interesting and dark retelling of sorcery and of the things we only see out of the corner of our eye.

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