Thursday, February 12, 2015

Decline and Fall – Evelyn Waugh and Beauvallet – Georgette Heyer

Evelyn Waugh’s first novel, written in 1928, a satire of the British public school system, with our hero having been sent down, landing a job at a public school of questionable value. Not as good as some of his later books, but quite funny nonetheless.


Written in 1929, Heyer’s 5th novel, follows the adventures and romances of a pirate, Beauvallet, and the Spanish lady he captures when he attacks a Spanish ship. He decides he must have her, even if he has to risk his neck by going to Spain to get her.

Lots of intrigue and adventures even if  Nick has all the fun and poor Dominica has to just wait to be rescued.  Not my favorite Heyer, but it does have its virtues.

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