Friday, January 31, 2014

10. Consider Phlebas - Iain M. Banks

This is a re-read for me, in order to join a group reading of the Culture novels at Library Thing.


This book certainly brought up a lot of mixed emotions for me. I spent 20 years in the US Air Force, most of it working with fighter pilots. The warrior culture at it's best. Needless to say, given that comment, all 20 years I was seen as an outsider, a rogue and a troublemaker. I retired at 20 years, as soon as I could.

Even though my particular career field was computers, not directly combat related, even so I participated in some vile things and watched lies and damn lies used to further the drumbeats for war and conflict, and worse, politics.  I watched grown men cry when a Democrat was elected president, because, of course, they’ll sell us out.

Sorry if I offend anyone. Just my personal thoughts regarding my career, and still at odds with all my retiree friends and even my spouse.

More specific to the book:
I found the depiction of the Idirans and Horza, and yes Belveda quite realistic throughout the book. I also agree with the depiction of the futility of war, how little the grinding reality of folks caught up in it matters in the big picture, and how it changes us and hardens us and makes us crazy, driving principles and conscience into a tiny little box as we’re caught up in the madness of group psychopathy.

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