Tuesday, March 05, 2013

20. Fugitive Prince–Janny Wurts


The War of Light and Shadow Book 4.

Epic fantasy with a wide cast of characters in a sprawling landscape filled with pitfalls and betrayals and hopeless plights.  Two half-brothers, both poisoned by their encounter with the Mistwraith, their gifts twisted and turned to destruction of everything they care about. Arithon, trained as a mage, at least knows what’s happening and has training enough to fight against it.  Lysaer has no such protection and is totally under the Mistwraith’s spell.

By book 4, the spell has nearly consumed Lysaer.  His natural sense of justice is so twisted he no longer seems himself, and is consumed with destroying Arithon.

Arithon is so harried and pursued across the world, he has no safe haven.  All his allies are in deadly danger and under constant pressure from Lysaer armies of nearly fanatical believers. Only his natural bent toward brilliant tactics and subtle planning have given him any hope at all of surviving and of keeping his allies alive. He hopes to find a refuge for his people, where he can protect them from the Alliance of Light.

Intense emotions, depths of character, twisty plots and seemingly hopeless odds. All combine to make this book, as were the rest, compelling.

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