Sunday, June 30, 2024

Review: Cibola Burn

Cibola Burn Cibola Burn by James S.A. Corey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Scientists and corporate entities have been beaten through the Ring that opened up new worlds by hopeful folks who want to settle on one of these new worlds. Earth and the OPA approach Jim Holden and the crew of the Rosie and ask them to go through the Ring and act as mediators between the angry corporate ship headed there and the colonists.

Jim has been reluctant to have anything to do with that Ring, but as usual gets back into a corner and maneuvered into accepting the assignment.

Before the Rosie can get there, violence breaks out between the colonists and the corporate security forces so the crew lands in the middle of a fight they'd hoped to avoid.

From there things go even more pear-shaped when the planet decides to blow up.

Then it becomes a question of whether any of them can survive, and can they all manage to put aside their distrust and hatred and work together to do it.

Super series, and this is a solid, if different entry to the series. Excellent characters and world-building, and the series remains one of my favorites as a result

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