Salvation by
Peter F. Hamilton
My rating:
4 of 5 stars
First in a new sequence by Peter F. Hamilton. Its structure is very much like the rest of his books, so am unsure why so many folks find it confusing. He generally skips around through time and space to tell a story, then combines the threads as the story goes on.
It is a bit different from the rest of the books I've read by him, in that we are meeting a new alien species and we are early on in the development of the society and world he normally writes in.
I enjoyed the look at the history of the world and how things began to come together, and was intrigued by the new species and wondering just what they were up to. Not surprisingly, things are not what they seem. and although the humans realize this, it is difficult to see through the fog to what is really going on.
I'll definitely read the rest of this series, as Hamilton is a favorite writer of mine.
I listened to the audio read by John Lee excellently as always.
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