A Darkling Sea by
James L. Cambias
My rating:
4 of 5 stars
Rating: Interesting and quite complex first contact story with the added element of happening in an environment exceedingly dangerous to Terrans.
Exploration has found intelligent life at the bottom of a sea on a moon. Earth has protocols: no first contact. Observe, do not interfere. But then contact is made accidentally and things go particularly pear-shaped when the other species Terrans share the skies with arrives. And they are definitely pissed off.
A little slow to start, but once the other aliens arrive, things heat up and the action keeps you reading.
The world building is interesting and complex. The characters are pretty well-drawn given that humans don't really get either alien species very well. The decisions by the Terrans are a bit hard on the imagination, in that I wonder if real people would be that willing to risk their lives in so hostile an environment. But definitely intriguing nonetheless.
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