Gardens of the Moon by
Steven Erikson
My rating:
4 of 5 stars
One of my hopes for this year is to delve more deeply into this series. I read them all but over an extended period. I'm hoping this re-read will be a bit more, er, concentrated. And I'm listening to the audios.
The books are all dense, complex, with interweaving plots that often fight with each other, just as real plotters find, others working against them. And so it is here. We have quite a few sides in a war: The Malazans, the people trying to stop the Malazan empire from conquering Derujistan, the mysterious lord of Moonspawn who no one understands, a Derujistan cabal of wizards, and last but not least, several Gods who put their oars in.
I love the concept of religion here, where mortals can 'ascend' and eventually become gods, but who also can be used by gods to further their own goals. The problem is trying to figure out who is being used, and by whom, and who is acting on their own.
At any rate, if you want to delve deep into SFF, especially military SFF, this is the series for you. But it's a difficult path you will tred.
Oh, and I like the audio versions. Ralph Lister does a yeoman's job at giving voice to various and sundry beings.
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