Friday, November 18, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Review: Reamde by Neal Stephenson


What a terrific read!  I’d classify it as a techno-thriller rather than sci fi, and it wasn’t at all what I expected from this author but wow! 

It begins with a virus that infects users of a video game and takes so many twists and turns from there you won’t be able to predict where the heck it is going.

The characters are all memorable and I adored Sokolov.  The women are not your sit at home and worry types, let me tell you…  There are a ton of details that make the entire adventure so realistic you can picture yourself traipsing across the world in search of the ‘little shit’ who wrote the virus along with, well, everyone else including the Russian mob, MI6, the CIA and a few civilians who get caught up in the action.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

The Kintari Chronicles

The Kintari Chronicles are progressing. I’m shooting for about 3k words a day and so far am doing pretty good at that.

I’m enjoying the story and am quite happy with my characters. It is, I admit, a bit scary that they aren’t misbehaving already, but I’m sure they’ll act up soon!
