Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Review: Nights of Villjamur by Mark Charan Newton


Official LibraryThing review

Additionally. I loved his way of painting the picture of this world. I found the writing a bit quirky at first, but got drawn into the story and it wasn’t quite so noticeable then.

I love how the characters evolve as the story goes on, how the city evolves, and the grim portrayal of what life is like for the commoners in a medieval setting where the power of the elite is nearly unbreakable.

Interesting and intriguing aliens,  a nicely imaginative view of magic and 'alien’ technology that isn’t at all understood.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Review–Blood Follows by Steven Erikson

A short novel of the necromancers in all their weirdness. Here Emancipur Reese finds employment with the necromancers Bauchelain and Broach. Suitably weird, grim and decidedly strange.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Review: The Magician–Michael Scott

The second book of the series The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel

I confess to having some major issues with this book. Firstly, this guy is supposed to be brilliant. Uhm, right. He heads off to Paris with the bad guys on his tail, and he HAS NO PLAN.  He wanders around Paris, not knowing or recognizing anything (he’s not been back for years) and didn’t even have an idea who he’d contact for help. Excuse me?

And don’t even get me started on the incompetence of the bad guys. Sheesh. What a bunch of clowns.

And my biggest beef?  The author turns the genius of Niccolo Machiavelli into farce. Seriously???

Granted, it’s a children’s book, but still…  I doubt I’ll read the rest of the series.